Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Is Cervix More Sensitive When Pregnant
Riunione: 20 Settembre alle 17.00 (IMPORTANTE!!)
E' fissato il prossimo incontro per Sabato 20 Settembre alle 17.00 (Via Bertoni, 4).
E' importante la partecipazione di tutti.
Dopo le ferie, dopo le varie batoste elettorali, dopo la nostra riorganizzazione come associazione, è un importante punto e a capo.
Sarà un incontro molto importante:
- Nicola De Vincenzi si impegnerà come nuovo coordinatore degli EcoDemocratici di Verona
- Dovremo individuare chi possa responsabilizzarsi su tematiche specifiche (eventualmente riferire al gruppo a determinate scadenze) e seguirne le relative iniziative
- Dovremo decidere along with how many and what steps the next months (from now until the end of 2008/early 2009)
seems little but it is not at all. Every friend and acquaintance
sensitive to our issues and possibly commit is always eager to welcome .
on Facebook was opened up a national group of EcoDemocratici ( http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=23380308761 ) to which you are invited to join.
Dopo le ferie, dopo le varie batoste elettorali, dopo la nostra riorganizzazione come associazione, è un importante punto e a capo.
Sarà un incontro molto importante:
- Nicola De Vincenzi si impegnerà come nuovo coordinatore degli EcoDemocratici di Verona
- Dovremo individuare chi possa responsabilizzarsi su tematiche specifiche (eventualmente riferire al gruppo a determinate scadenze) e seguirne le relative iniziative
- Dovremo decidere along with how many and what steps the next months (from now until the end of 2008/early 2009)
seems little but it is not at all. Every friend and acquaintance
sensitive to our issues and possibly commit is always eager to welcome .
on Facebook was opened up a national group of EcoDemocratici ( http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=23380308761 ) to which you are invited to join.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Fibroids With Headache
8 Giugno - Cena/Incontro fondativo Associazione EcoDemocratici
Sunday June 8 is an important appointment.
Also in Verona is l' Associazione degli EcoDemocratici .
Dopo molti mesi di attività come gruppo organizzato in maniera autogestita, è arrivato il momento di assumere una forma più chiara.
L'Associazione degli EcoDemocratici ambisce a raccogliere tutte quelle persone che credono nella necessità che la politica e il centro sinistra focalizzino l' importanza del tema ambientale come motore di una nuovo sviluppo sociale, culturale ed economico agendo attraverso un nuovo modo di fare politica per l'ambiente che non sia incentrato nella sola phase opposition, but especially in a series of new and innovative proposals linked to a necessary process of political renewal .
EcoDemocratici The Association was founded by the Democratic Party but is thought to involve subjects heterogeneous also different party affiliation and origin of world of associations.
The Association of EcoDemocratici remains independent and independent of the Democratic Party .
Sunday, June 8 at 19:30 at the restaurant Pope and Cicia ( Via Seminar 4 / a ) , there will be a dinner meeting to present the project of the Association of EcoDemocratici and to initiate the stage of registration.
The dinner will cost 25 €.
will attend the dinner and speakers include:
- Massimo Scalia, among the promoters of National Association EcoDemocratici
- Gabriella Chiellini Regional Manager Environment and Territory Department
All interested parties are invited to attend and to participate by giving membership as soon as possible
- by writing to ecodemocraticivr@gmail.com
Association EcoDemocratici Verona
Sunday June 8 is an important appointment.
Also in Verona is l' Associazione degli EcoDemocratici .
Dopo molti mesi di attività come gruppo organizzato in maniera autogestita, è arrivato il momento di assumere una forma più chiara.
L'Associazione degli EcoDemocratici ambisce a raccogliere tutte quelle persone che credono nella necessità che la politica e il centro sinistra focalizzino l' importanza del tema ambientale come motore di una nuovo sviluppo sociale, culturale ed economico agendo attraverso un nuovo modo di fare politica per l'ambiente che non sia incentrato nella sola phase opposition, but especially in a series of new and innovative proposals linked to a necessary process of political renewal .
EcoDemocratici The Association was founded by the Democratic Party but is thought to involve subjects heterogeneous also different party affiliation and origin of world of associations.
The Association of EcoDemocratici remains independent and independent of the Democratic Party .
Sunday, June 8 at 19:30 at the restaurant Pope and Cicia ( Via Seminar 4 / a ) , there will be a dinner meeting to present the project of the Association of EcoDemocratici and to initiate the stage of registration.
The dinner will cost 25 €.
will attend the dinner and speakers include:
- Massimo Scalia, among the promoters of National Association EcoDemocratici
- Gabriella Chiellini Regional Manager Environment and Territory Department
All interested parties are invited to attend and to participate by giving membership as soon as possible
- by writing to ecodemocraticivr@gmail.com
Association EcoDemocratici Verona
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Motor Bike Cake Templates Free
Riunione EcoDem: Giovedì 21 Febbraio ore 20.30 [IMPORTANTE!]
E 'set a meeting "important" for Thursday, February 21 at 20.30 at room Via Bertoni (Legambiente) to discuss:
- results of the Feb. 10 primary
The EcoDemocratici can claim to have achieved a good result with Anna Cazzavillan which was placed third among women in the college second with 90 votes. An excellent success that provides access to provincial coordination.
E 'was also elected Lorenzo Carara (Club Legambiente Legnago) in college 7.
Also of note the good result of 54 Michele Fiorillo with preferences.
- transformation of the group EcoDemocratici in combination as will be presented in Rome next Friday, February 15.
For those interested in going to the national contact Natasha (3388477535) which is organizing the trip.
- upcoming activities and meetings to be held
- reflections on the general elections of April 13 and assessment of any activity to do with the candidates
- Any Other
It 'important to involve everyone to understand that we want to give form to our group and what prospects.
Before the meeting, or if you wanted to, I'll see you at 19.00, again in Via Bertoni (Legambiente), to go for a pizza with friends.
E 'set a meeting "important" for Thursday, February 21 at 20.30 at room Via Bertoni (Legambiente) to discuss:
- results of the Feb. 10 primary
The EcoDemocratici can claim to have achieved a good result with Anna Cazzavillan which was placed third among women in the college second with 90 votes. An excellent success that provides access to provincial coordination.
E 'was also elected Lorenzo Carara (Club Legambiente Legnago) in college 7.
Also of note the good result of 54 Michele Fiorillo with preferences.
- transformation of the group EcoDemocratici in combination as will be presented in Rome next Friday, February 15.
For those interested in going to the national contact Natasha (3388477535) which is organizing the trip.
- upcoming activities and meetings to be held
- reflections on the general elections of April 13 and assessment of any activity to do with the candidates
- Any Other
It 'important to involve everyone to understand that we want to give form to our group and what prospects.
Before the meeting, or if you wanted to, I'll see you at 19.00, again in Via Bertoni (Legambiente), to go for a pizza with friends.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Ikusa Suvia Otome Stream
Candidati EcoDemocratici alle primarie del 10 Febbraio 2008 per Coordinamento Provinciale del Partito Democratico di Verona
With regard to the city \u200b\u200bso we decided to support Anna Cazzavillan as candidate for the Provincial Coordination college number 2 ( Districts 1, 6, 7, 8 : Old Town, San Zeno, B. Trento, B. Venice, Citadel, Valdonega, Veronetta, Ponte Crenca, Aves, Quinze, Saval, Parona, Porto San Pancrazio, San Michele, Madonna of the country, Montorio, Quinto).
Anna Cazzavillan EcoDemocratici's time is following in the various initiatives and has made an important contribution to the recent primary by 14 October.
It 's a girl of 23 years following the faculty of Humanities with experience in early childhood education and activism in environmental associations.
As for the province are in the college number 7 with Lorenzo Carara candidate also for the Provincial Coordination .
Lorenzo Carara is active in the Circle of Legambiente Legnago is a chemical engineer with 37 years experience in the chemical industry and currently teaches at the Ferraris and Cangrande. Committed to "share the importance of school-University-Enterprise for the development of people and the environment."
Please remember to vote so Sunday, February 10 and vote and make votare Anna Cazzavillan nel collegio 2 e Lorenzo Carara nel collegio 7 .
EcoDemocratici incurred by candidates in the primaries of February 10, 2008
College 2: Anna Cazzavillan
College 7: Lorenzo Carara
College 2: Anna Cazzavillan
College 7: Lorenzo Carara
With regard to the city \u200b\u200bso we decided to support Anna Cazzavillan as candidate for the Provincial Coordination college number 2 ( Districts 1, 6, 7, 8 : Old Town, San Zeno, B. Trento, B. Venice, Citadel, Valdonega, Veronetta, Ponte Crenca, Aves, Quinze, Saval, Parona, Porto San Pancrazio, San Michele, Madonna of the country, Montorio, Quinto).
Anna Cazzavillan EcoDemocratici's time is following in the various initiatives and has made an important contribution to the recent primary by 14 October.
It 's a girl of 23 years following the faculty of Humanities with experience in early childhood education and activism in environmental associations.
As for the province are in the college number 7 with Lorenzo Carara candidate also for the Provincial Coordination .
Lorenzo Carara is active in the Circle of Legambiente Legnago is a chemical engineer with 37 years experience in the chemical industry and currently teaches at the Ferraris and Cangrande. Committed to "share the importance of school-University-Enterprise for the development of people and the environment."
Please remember to vote so Sunday, February 10 and vote and make votare Anna Cazzavillan nel collegio 2 e Lorenzo Carara nel collegio 7 .
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Guys That Masterbate In Public
Rifiuti! Le modifiche del Codice ambientale
Verona, Venerdì 1 febbraio 2008, ore 16.00
Sala Consiliare Provinciale, piazza dei Signori
Seminario pubblico per amministratori e cittadini
Le modifiche del Codice ambientale
Consumi, Riciclaggio e Smaltimento
Interverranno tra gli altri
Sen. Edo Ronchi , Vicepresidente Commissione Ambiente
Sen. Paolo Giaretta , Segretario regionale PD Veneto
Giandomenico Allegri , Coordinatore PD Verona
Al termine dell’incontro, previsto per le 18.30, si terrà l’assemblea costitutiva
regionale dell’Associazione Ecodemocratici del Veneto
Sala Consiliare Provinciale, piazza dei Signori
Seminario pubblico per amministratori e cittadini
Le modifiche del Codice ambientale
Consumi, Riciclaggio e Smaltimento
Interverranno tra gli altri
Sen. Edo Ronchi , Vicepresidente Commissione Ambiente
Sen. Paolo Giaretta , Segretario regionale PD Veneto
Giandomenico Allegri , Coordinatore PD Verona
Al termine dell’incontro, previsto per le 18.30, si terrà l’assemblea costitutiva
regionale dell’Associazione Ecodemocratici del Veneto
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Opionions On Brazilian Waxing
Traffico, inquinamento atmosferico e salute
Il giorno 16 gennaio 2008 alle ore 20.30 presso la sala Incontri
del centro culturale Marani
(via Camillo de Lellis, adiacente all’Ospedale Maggiore)
si terrà un incontro sul tema
air pollution
and health
Giandomenico Allegri : apertura dibattito
dott. Massimo Valsecchi , responsabile prevenzione dell’ULS 20:
health situation in Verona
Dr. Francesco Del Zotti , Italian representative European association of family doctors
Michele Bertucco , Regional President of Legambiente:
alternatives to the current modello di trasporto
dott.ssa Francesca Predicatori,
corresponsabile della pubblicazione Stato dell’Ambiente Provincia di Verona
Moderator: Carlo Furlan ,
Coordinator: PD group environment
Forum degli Ecodemocratici di Verona Il gruppo ambiente, infrastrutture e territorio del Partito Democratico
Sono invitati i consiglieri regionali e provinciali del Partito Democratico
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