8 Giugno - Cena/Incontro fondativo Associazione EcoDemocratici
Sunday June 8 is an important appointment.
Also in Verona is l' Associazione degli EcoDemocratici .
Dopo molti mesi di attività come gruppo organizzato in maniera autogestita, è arrivato il momento di assumere una forma più chiara.
L'Associazione degli EcoDemocratici ambisce a raccogliere tutte quelle persone che credono nella necessità che la politica e il centro sinistra focalizzino l' importanza del tema ambientale come motore di una nuovo sviluppo sociale, culturale ed economico agendo attraverso un nuovo modo di fare politica per l'ambiente che non sia incentrato nella sola phase opposition, but especially in a series of new and innovative proposals linked to a necessary process of political renewal .
EcoDemocratici The Association was founded by the Democratic Party but is thought to involve subjects heterogeneous also different party affiliation and origin of world of associations.
The Association of EcoDemocratici remains independent and independent of the Democratic Party .
Sunday, June 8 at 19:30 at the restaurant Pope and Cicia ( Via Seminar 4 / a ) , there will be a dinner meeting to present the project of the Association of EcoDemocratici and to initiate the stage of registration.
The dinner will cost 25 €.
will attend the dinner and speakers include:
- Massimo Scalia, among the promoters of National Association EcoDemocratici
- Gabriella Chiellini Regional Manager Environment and Territory Department
All interested parties are invited to attend and to participate by giving membership as soon as possible
- by writing to ecodemocraticivr@gmail.com
Association EcoDemocratici Verona