Si possono prevedere i terremoti? Bendandi diceva di essere in grado di prevedere le scosse di terremoto - Raffaele Bendandi, detto anche l'uomo dei terremoti, nacque a Faenza il 17 ottobre 1893.
Bendandi diceva di aver scoperto how earthquakes occur, and said to be able to predict an earthquake.
was born from a humble family in the area traditionally known as Old Spinning Mill, which could not afford to continue with higher education (he finished elementary school, a course for technical drawing and became an apprentice to a watchmaker); yet at the age of 10 years was already fond of astronomy and geophysics, both to be built only by a telescope and some gyroscopes (in fact he was a wood sculptor by profession). Following the earthquake of Messina on 28 December 1908, became interested in earthquakes, and succeeded, according to him, even to predict them. After his experience as an apprentice a watchmaker, he enrolled in an Art School, to become a carver of religious statues and chandeliers, Emilia. During World War I served as a mechanic in an air squadron. You can define the Bendandi as a self-taught scientist who in 1920 formulated his theory of "seismogenic".
His theory has its origins in a walk along the beach, while serving on guard during his naja: in 1919 he senses that the earth's crust, as well as the tides, is subject to the effects of gravitational pull of the moon. His theory for the prediction of earthquakes (never recognized by the scientific community) was in fact based on the fact that the moon and other planets (along the Sun) are the cause of the movements of the crust, which actually swollen, deformed and evokes the earth's crust, with timing and rhythm dependent on the position of celestial bodies. He went on with his studies also using a mini laboratory moved into a deep cave of the Tuscan-Romagna. One of his first involuntary
the forecast made for the earthquake of Marsica January 13, 1915, when he realized that 27 October of the previous year had left a note in this regard.
Until then very few people believe his theories, November 23, 1923 before the notary of Faenza decided to write his own prediction: January 2, 1924 an earthquake will occur in the Marche. The earthquake actually occurred, but two days later. However, the Corriere della Sera devoted the front page, calling him to predict earthquakes, and his fame grew so also internationally. In his studies, was also in charge of astronomy, geophysics, magnetic, cosmic and atmospheric studies, and atmospheric radioactivity in relation to his personal atomici.Oltre purposes, its main activity was a carpenter, built with this task and managed to sell some of its models of seismographs, even in America. He succeeded in his small to acquire even a small scientific library.
During the Fascist period, namely in 1927 was appointed first by Mussolini Cavaliere dell'Ordine della Corona d'Italia, ma poi venne diffidato dal pubblicare ulteriori previsioni sui terremoti in Italia, pena l'esilio; in realtà egli continuò a farlo, ma su altri giornali americani.
Dopo averlo studiato a fondo, nel 1931 Bendandi affida all'Accademia Pontificia il metodo da lui scoperto per interpretare il ciclo undecennale del Sole, e nel seguito riesce autofinanziandosi a pubblicare "Un principio fondamentale dell’Universo", dove descrive la sua precedente scoperta.
Durante la sua vita, precisamente nel 1959, Bendandi scoprì anche un nuovo pianeta all'interno del sistema solare tra Mercurio ed il Sole, cui diede il nome della sua città natale, Faenza.
Only later, in 1972 the American astronomer Wood and in 1976 the British astronomer Smith brought forward the method developed by Bendandi for the prediction of earthquakes, going to improve the analysis and results.
An earthquake in Friuli in 1976 was provided by his theory, he unsuccessfully tried to notify the competent authorities, which treated him as a charlatan.
was found dead, perhaps for reasons mysterious, November 3, 1979, at his home observatory in Via Faenza 17 of Manara.
Bendandi, through his method, he also predicted a devastating earthquake in the city of Rome and surrounding areas for the day May 11, 2011, and another earthquake in size even more apocalyptic for between 5-6 April 2012, when several earthquakes hit patchy throughout the world.
In this last prediction, among others, many also see the catastrophic Maya prophecies for 2012.
Source: abruzzo24ore.tv