La migliore Ricostruzione, possibile?!
As we rebuild our cities?!
Last night, once the Assembly of Members all'OrdingAQ, when the President asked me the willingness to be part, as a young engineer, the "Scientific Committee for the reconstruction" of the City of L'Aquila, I did not felt to say no!
Now I do not hide the fear that I respect the commitments and responsibilities that such collaboration will lead me in the days ahead, but I feel that we must try! Why not, I want to try to heal old wounds and new in my town!
I state here some of my ideas for the "Rebuilding Sustainable hoping to receive many comments, criticisms and even jokes! ^ _ ^ I say NO
- improvisation;
- to selfishness;
- the lack of transparency;
- illegal workers and poorly paid;
I say YES - a clear programming
- to teamwork and sharing;
- correct publication and dissemination of the objectives and methods;
- to listen to the needs of young people and future generations;
- the pursuit of quality and meritocracy;
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
St.dalfour Cream Store In Los Angeles
Meet my center! Happy 2010
In the previous article I had pointed to the creation of my new Center, where I have my own business ... now and then because did not show? The Centre
I called body and balance, is on the third floor of the Hotel St. Leonardo di Trento (Road to Vigolo Baselga, 6), just minutes from the city.
I called body and balance, is on the third floor of the Hotel St. Leonardo di Trento (Road to Vigolo Baselga, 6), just minutes from the city.
As the flyer I created to advertise it, is a center where welfare is understood as a new dimension ... Training and aesthetics, the best for your body and mind ... a new method to decrease your pain !
Oltre ad attività di personal trainer per tonificazine e/o dimagrimento , in breve vi descrivo le altre discipline praticate:
SITTINGBACK ed igiene posturale
Lavoro di riequilibrio muscolare con specifica attenzione alla corre tta postura. Aiuta a eliminare i fastidiosi mal di schiena, cervicale, tensione alle spalle e quant’altro. La lezione, di circa 45 minuti, viene effettuata sulla specifica sedia posturale con l’ausilio di metodiche in piedi e a terra, panca ad inversione e pedana vibrante. Si consigliano cicli a partire da 10 sedute, e già dalle prime si possono apprezzare i benefici della pratica. Grande importanza viene data allo sblocco del diaframma.
Lavoro di riequilibrio muscolare con specifica attenzione alla corre tta postura. Aiuta a eliminare i fastidiosi mal di schiena, cervicale, tensione alle spalle e quant’altro. La lezione, di circa 45 minuti, viene effettuata sulla specifica sedia posturale con l’ausilio di metodiche in piedi e a terra, panca ad inversione e pedana vibrante. Si consigliano cicli a partire da 10 sedute, e già dalle prime si possono apprezzare i benefici della pratica. Grande importanza viene data allo sblocco del diaframma.
Con la pedana vibrante Fassi apprenderete un modo nuovo di allenarvi . Ideale per tonificare i muscoli e favorire la circolazione sanguigna, la pedana vibrante agisce in diversi ambiti del nostro corpo: sul s istema neuro muscolare; sulla circolazione; sulla cartilagine; sul tessuto osseo; sul sistema ormonale; sui neurotrasmettitori. Utile in ambito sportivo, per la riabilitazione, il miglioramento a livello estetico, per migliorare l’osteoporosi.

Tramite lo specifico macchinario da Press Therapy, si aiuta a trovare sollievo dallo stress e dalla stanchezza attenuando i gonfiori alle gambe e ai pied i stanchi. Il benefico massaggio rilassa dolcemente la tensione muscolare e migliora la circolazione sanguigna donando nuova vitalità.
Ginnastica a corpo libero per riattivare i muscoli, dove si prediligono esercizi joint mobility and stretching for all muscle to the rhythm of relaxing music. The constant practice of stretching exercises and muscle relaxation improves the fatigue strength, increases muscle flexibility, avoid and prevent injuries. The work is done standing and partly on the ground, using techniques of pilates, postural, stretching and toning. Suitable for all those who take the same position for more consecutive hours , for those who want to get rid of stress or feel pain in the joints.
harmonic MUW Innovative Technical Working bodyweight (Created by me .. Lucio Coccarelli) , performed by dynamic focusing on breathing, the correct p ostura and perception of body segments. Restore postural balance, increasing flexibility and muscular endurance, develop coordination and proprioception, strength and toning. Lessons are always different and special, where nothing is obvious.
Last but not least, the Centre has a beauty center, where they are offe rti various treatments, in particular the balneotherapy with hay bath, massage, solarium, sauna ... Comfort and treatment
refined to meet the most demanding care needs of your body, and give meaning to a new and motion ..
We wait!

Last but not least, the Centre has a beauty center, where they are offe rti various treatments, in particular the balneotherapy with hay bath, massage, solarium, sauna ... Comfort and treatment
refined to meet the most demanding care needs of your body, and give meaning to a new and motion ..
We wait!
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