La migliore Ricostruzione, possibile?!
As we rebuild our cities?!
Last night, once the Assembly of Members all'OrdingAQ, when the President asked me the willingness to be part, as a young engineer, the "Scientific Committee for the reconstruction" of the City of L'Aquila, I did not felt to say no!
Now I do not hide the fear that I respect the commitments and responsibilities that such collaboration will lead me in the days ahead, but I feel that we must try! Why not, I want to try to heal old wounds and new in my town!
I state here some of my ideas for the "Rebuilding Sustainable hoping to receive many comments, criticisms and even jokes! ^ _ ^ I say NO
- improvisation;
- to selfishness;
- the lack of transparency;
- illegal workers and poorly paid;
I say YES - a clear programming
- to teamwork and sharing;
- correct publication and dissemination of the objectives and methods;
- to listen to the needs of young people and future generations;
- the pursuit of quality and meritocracy;
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