molecules of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere if they are simply not there, but they interact with the ' surface water of the oceans. Before we look into this subject, however, as the oceans are made.
zones that divide the four oceans are: euphotic zone (down to 200m), disfotica (from-200m to-1000m), afotica (from-to 1000m-4000m) and the deep (below-4000m). Each of these zone ha differente salinità e temperatura le quali hanno permesso uno sviluppo della vita unico e man mano che si scende si trovano diverse forme di vita connesse tra loro , ad esempio con l'ossigeno e l'energia luminosa del sole il fitoplancton è in grado di produrre zuccheri, come le piante; il fitoplancton nutre lo zooplancton che viene mangiato da piccoli pesci i quali vengono mangiati da pesci più grandi ecc... insomma la catena alimentare, e se saltasse un anello? Più passano gli anni più è facile che accada. Vi starete chiedendo cosa c'entri la CO2 con tutto questo, bene adesso vengo al sodo.
Le molecole di CO2 in atmosfera vengono assorbite dal mare, reagendo con l'acqua l'anidride carbonica forma acido carbonico( CO2+H2O = H2CO3), a weak acid that dissociates into first bicarbonate ions (H2CO3 = HCO3-+ H +) and then the carbonate ions into bicarbonate (HCO3-= CO3 - + H +). Each dissociation free hydrogen ions H +-lowering pH (pH is the logarithm negative of the concentration of H + ions, more simply, is a scale that goes from 0 to 14, as the pH is high, the more you go toward the basicity the lower the more you go toward the acidic, 7 is neutral) or increase the acidity. Some species adapt producing cells in the capillaries and then pouring molecules that bind to hydrogen ions. Experiments conducted on marine species have shown that some samples strongly influenced by the acidity, in fact you were embryos that develop in water with higher than normal acidity (pH around 7.7 instead of 8.1) or have not developed or were born deformed, a variation of this type and the links in the food chain will fall like a domino tiles.
All this to say that the marine ecosystem is delicate and the risk to these species is high, and that we humans are not the only ones who risk having problems in the future.
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