Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sample Fitness Proposal


Lombard report to readers and not the conference " THE EDGE OF THE MIND ... AND BEYOND - From the reporting of psychiatric abuse and manipulators of the mind , tract for the development of a new consciousness .
The conference, organized by Nexus Edizioni , will take place Saturday, March 26, 2011 at the 'Hotel Leonardo da Vinci Via Senigallia, No. 6 in Milan .

Our society has become a sort of cage in which the existential mental manipulation has become a technology of social control, the information is strictly controlled, the entertainment industry works hard to make a slow but acceptable atrophy of thought and the relentless advertising marketing is undoubtedly the most ruthless system of mental conditioning.
The "chemical imbalance" is the justification for administering large quantities of psychotropic drugs and psychiatric propaganda education of the child has largely deceived parents, teachers and politicians. All this for only advantage of multinational pharmaceutical companies.

The inadequacy of the official theories on consciousness and the human psyche finally glimpses the possibility of a change. The audit's findings from recent studies claim that consciousness is not a mere epiphenomenon of matter and show that the mind and human consciousness are part of a vast field of cosmic consciousness, as are the shamanic and spiritual traditions around the world always argue.

The third millennium requires an evolution of paradigms, so it is a duty to promote information and debate as well as the interdisciplinary study of ideas more mature e di soluzioni olistiche efficaci, che tengano conto di rinnovati scenari e improrogabili bisogni sociali, esistenziali e spirituali. E di fronte a tali obiettivi, quale responsabilità individuale, prima che collettiva, è necessario assumersi?


09:00 Presentazione a cura di Tom Bosco (Direttore della rivista Nexus New Times)
09:30 - 10:30 Roberto Cestari - La triste storia della psichiatria e la sua infondatezza scientifica
10:30 – 11:30 Paolo Cioni - Depressione ubiquitaria: pandemie fittizie, fiumi di denaro e sofferenza vera. Validatori psicofisiologici all’orizzonte?
11:30 – 11:50 INTERVALLO
11:50 – 12:50 Michele Trimarchi - Neuropsicofisiologia della Coscienza: dal DNA il cervello, dal cervello la Coscienza
13:00 – 14:30 PAUSA PRANZO
14:30 – 15:30 Giampiero Varetti - Risonanza Transpersonale: risonanze antiche e moderne verso una Psicologia Integrale
15:30 – 16:30 Emilian Dobrea - Viaggio nelle tecnologie del Sacro: oltre l’hardware cerebrale ed il software mentale verso stati più elevati di Coscienza
16:30 – 16:50 INTERVALLO
16:50 – 17:50 Paolo Lissoni - La Sessualità come via all’espansione della Coscienza
17: 50 – 19:00 Tavola rotonda

Ingresso: 50 Euro (inclusa Tessera Associativa “Nexus Eventi”)
Per prenotazioni: Barbara Boniardi - - Mob: 339.2530114

Hotel Leonardo da Vinci , Via Senigallia 6 - Milano
Pernottamenti: tel. 02.64051

Cultural Association Events Nexus - - Email:
Tel 049.9115516 - Fax 049.9119035

Science meets the spirit
Mob.: 339.2530114 - Email:
barbara.boniardi @


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