Monday, August 31, 2009

Milena Velba Does Hardcore

AUTUMN ... detoxify the body and strengthens the immune system

Cari amici, eccoci di nuovo qui dopo la pausa estiva, nella speranza che la vostra sia stata al massimo, come lo è stata la mia…

…e la prima idea che mi è balzata in testa per il nuovo articolo del blog, è stata quella dell’imminente autunno che è (purtroppo) alle porte.

E allora quale migli or e occasione per consigliarvi come prepararsi ad un autunno pieno di energia And tell my experience about it, linking up with my last article posted before the holidays, on a comprehensive program of health!

The first step of the way welfare is no doubt the disintossicazion and , which allows n eutralizzare removing toxins from the body for the efficient functioning of vital organs. In this way it will benefit not only the aesthetic policy, but our immune system.

We know that at any time the body is exposed to attacchi da parte di agenti patogeni, ma solo nel momento in cui siamo colpiti da un processo infettivo ci rendiamo conto di quanto sia indispensabile il sistema di difesa dell'organismo, ossia il sistema immunitario.

Per un buon effetto di immunostimolazione è necessaria una adegua ta alimentazione. Una corretta alimentazione riguarda soprattutto i micronutrienti strat egici che forniscono all’orga nismo utili strumenti sia per prevenire i malanni, sia per sconfiggere le infezioni in corso e rimettersi più in fretta quando si è malati.

Ma non solo: è necessaria including regular physical activity and integration of natural nutrients such as antioxidants and immunostimulants.

I am working as a personal trainer and postural hygiene technician, brings me into contact with a diverse client base, moving from teenagers to senior citizens, and what I noticed in particular is the need to prepare a body purified , avoiding the intake of harmful preservatives and other chemicals, which unfortunately due to air pollution and the fact that we find on the market loaded with food preservatives and chemically treated .. is difficult to implement.

Ecco che la natura però ci viene in aiuto, in particolare il programma Clean 9 d ella Forever Living Products , che è composto da:

- Aloe Vera Gel : puro gel di aloe vera, ricco di vitamine e minerali. E’ depurativo e aiuta l’organismo a difendersi, un vero toccasana per la pelle;

- Forever Lite (o Forever Lite Ultra) : integratore di proteine, carboidrati, vitamine e minerali. E? una polvere gustosa e altamente nutriente da miscelare con latte o acqua per un frappè sostitutivo del pasto;

- Forever Garcinia Plus : supplement that helps to control weight by inhibiting the conversion of calories into fat, and cholesterol;

- Forever Bee Pollen : made by pollen, rich in vitamins and minerals, energy, stimulates the elimination of waste and toxins.

I recommend at least 2 times a year, in spring and first autumn: for 9 days only consume these natural products and you are on track to be healthier and happier!

If you want more information about it, do not hesitate to write here on the blog .. I will answer you very happy!

Or you can find more info on the web site of Forever Living ( click here), and if you want to order the product simply register online by filling out the form you will find at this address .

Monday, August 10, 2009

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Solar Impact?? Solar Impact

Rileggendo il post precedente, dove ho riportato una notizia trovata in internet in cui si parla di Impatto Solare con una nana bruna chiamata Hellion-1957, mi sono chiesta se quello che leggevo poteva essere vero.
Troppe notizie catastrofistiche negli ultimi mesi girano in rete, io cerco nel mio piccolo di scremare un po’ proprio perché se ne trovano di tutti i tipi sempre e comunque.
Ma non sempre riesco ad essere obbiettiva, a volte mi chiedo se this or that information is or may be true, without any feedback then it is very difficult to understand. I found that
Impact Solar and although a bit 'too much I wanted to put it equally catastrophic.
Then just re-reading the previous post, I started to search the web news Helliot-1957, the news is not too catastrophic for groped to understand more, but have not found evidence in 1956 about a sighting of that brown dwarf el 'only thing that I found many sites, blogs and forums where I reported the exact news as I posted below, who like me have copied and pasted by entering the source. But then
Helliot-1957 exist or not? Well the only
cosa che ho trovato è questo sito dove si parla di messaggi da parte di Nostra Signora della pace, il sito è in inglese ma traducendolo con google (Il mio inglese è approssimativo, anzi neanche approssimativo è nullo e la traduzione beh!!!) e per quello che ho capito io, è uno dei tanti siti che parlano di previsioni catastrofi per punire l’umanità.
In sostanza della nana bruna non ho trovato nient’altro, quando invece su altre scoperte di pianeti comete ecc. si trovano notizie non solo in internet ma anche nei libri.
Quindi credo sia una notizia senza fondamento scientifico, almeno esistesse una nana bruna con tale nome, o gli astronomi l’hanno volutamente tenuta ben nascosta per 53 anni?

Penso sia una bufala come se ne trovano altre in rete.
Dimenticavo la previsione di questo impatto non è per il 2012, no, basta aspettare fino al 22 agosto 2009, oggi siamo al 10 quindi non dobbiamo aspettare molto per verificare.

ATTENTION - Solar Impact 08-22-2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

How Not Be Awkward Around Someone You Like

Fonte: Nibiru2012

Scritto da Annunaki2012

Da qualche giorno circola su uno dei maggiori siti di informazione alternativa americano una testimonianza di un presunto tecnico che , deciso a vuotare il sacco, ci narra di una spaventosa verità:

"Dimenticare NWO, Al-Qaeda, il riscaldamento globale o gli impatti meteoritici. Questi eventi sono tutti parti di un massiccio diversivo atto a coprire la verità.

Vi avverto, se avete un cuore debole o se in qualsiasi modo pensate di non poter reggere lo stress che questa notizia comporta, vi invitiamo a non andare avanti con la lettura.

La metterò giù molto semplicemente e poi cercherò di addentrarmi nei dettagli per coloro che saranno interessati"

Primary Basics

Il sole, il nostro Sole, sarà colpito brutalmente da una nana bruna. Il suo nome è Hellion-1957, scoperta il 22 dicembre 1956.

Recapitulation of Detailed Information

Hellion si sta avvicinando da sud e la sua velocità è approssimativamente di 87.33 km/sec. Hellion viene classificata come uno degli oggetti più veloci della sua classe.

Coordinates and Viewing Principles
RA 13.390911°
Dec -77.436111°
Velocity 87.33 km/sec
Density 174 gm/cm^3
Magnitude 11
Equatorial Radius 957.77km
Solid spherical shape

Projected outcome
L'oggetto penetrerà il sole ed uscirà dall'altro lato come un proiettile potrebbe attraversare un melone. I processi del centro del Sole non saranno spazzati via, tuttavia ci aspettiamo dei disturbi di grande portata in the 11 solar cycles.

debris impact will be fired to various orbits of the solar system. E 'was calculated that the Earth has a 7.87% chance of being hit or brushed by at least one of these red-hot debris. The brown dwarf

Hellion continue its exit from the solar system at a lower speed. We expect that some of the remains of the Sun's magnetic field to be inherited by the Hellion, estimated very strong.

Now we are sure that this is one of the many events ornitanti responsible for the creation of the planets around the sun. That said, we think that there is a small chance that the formation of new planets, although the process may take several thousands of years.

Hellion-1957 is considered a great danger to all nations of the world. In fact, things are not always as they may seem. North Korea, China, Russia, USA and Japan are the nations that can provide a possible countermeasure. However, given the mass of Hellion an intervention may be virtually impossible. So the main effort is shifting to the factor "survival." The seed bank in Norway is an example.

However, there is an exception. The U.S. has the technology that could alter the density of the object, making it temporarily lighter. Manipulation through gravitational scalar EM harmonies. Some of these technologies were discovered by Tesla. North Korea will be one of the safest places in accordance with world leaders when the event will take place. The North Korean arms race would be to protect them during and after the event. Most of the people on earth will be left to itself, as will defending. The war between North Korea and the USA will be the cover-up for the large displacement of people and vehicles in that area, means of livelihood, food, people and families to make choices for them except under the soil.

Why I am telling you this? Firstly because I was precluded from salvation. I have used and thrown away. At this point I do not care about anything. Everything you know change. Given the enormous energies in the range 2 / 3 of the earth will be swept away by the high level of radiation, UV, gamma rays, ect. Sincerely

Anon "

staff Nibiru 2012 will continue to follow the story to see if and how it may be true.

How Do I Watch A Mini Dv To Vhs

The Norwegian Bunker 2012 - The Video

After entering this post, (I am a Norwegian politician) time ago, now I also found a video of a CNN on Bunker Norwegian.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Alright Meg Lets Look At That




In increasing numbers every year, "New Children" are born in the world with a view "on x-rays, the air moving objects with his mind and know the future.
These skills are just the tip of the 'iceberg!

I "The New Kids on the Block" are able to move solid objects through solid materials, read paper balls resting on their ears, bend spoons just by the 'intention, communicate telepathically e "leggono" con altre parti del corpo diverse dagli occhi! Questi innocenti bambini stanno dimostrando abilità spirituali naturali che molti relegano al mondo della fantasia e agli effetti speciali dei film.

Sbalorditiva Gioventù della Cina

Dal 1974 il governo cinese ha scoperto piu' di 100.000 bambini che hanno poteri psichici straordinari. Questi bambini, quando bendati, possono "vedere" con le orecchie, il naso, la bocca, la lingua, le ascelle, le mani o i piedi. In un test condotto dal magazine Omni, i ricercatori tagliavano a caso una pagina da un pila di libri. La pagina veniva quindi accartocciata e messa sotto l' ascella di un bimbo cinese, che quindi la leggeva perfettamente. I bimbi cinesi possono anche leggere la pallina di carta sotto i propri piedi, nelle orecchie e persino masticandole! Un' altra grandiosa capacità dimostrata pubblicamente da 5000 piccoli cinesi, è la capacità di passare oggetti solidi attraverso altri oggetti solidi. Un bimbo sceglie a caso una bottiglia di vetro contenete pillole, sigillata nel suo involucro originale e quindi la posa su un tavolino stabile. Improvvisamente le pillole dentro la bottiglia chiusa passano attraverso il vetro e appaiono sul tavolo. Il bimbo puo' anche prendere una moneta, metterla sul tavolo e quindi farla passare nella bottiglia sigillata. Una giovane ragazzina di nome Yong Li puo' rimuovere le sigarette dall' interno della confezione, senza toccarla. Un ragazzo puo' controllare gli orologi mechanical, by running them quickly or slowly.

x-ray vision natural
A girl of 12 years, Hu Lian, can 'see inside the body of a person. Hu saw an object into the body of a man and perfectly able to draw the shape. Another child was tested at the hospital by their accuracy in medical diagnosis. In 75 cases, the child has been accurate in '80% of the time. In view of the evidence on fetal positions were accurate for the '84% of cases.

Far blooming roses
A Chinese girl has demonstrated her ability to 'influence live rosebuds, which held 1000 people into their own hands. With a slight movement of his hand, the rosebuds were openly displayed in their full bloom before the astonished eyes of the public. Under strict scientific controls, the Chinese government has observed these same children changing human DNA.

Children activate the powers of other children
The Chinese government has prepared training schools to assist these children to develop and move on to others their psychic abilities. The officers have found that when children do not socialize with other psychic psychic children, psychic children quickly absorb the non 'ability to perform the same actions of psychic children.

Miracles Mexican
were discovered more 'than 1,000 children in Mexico City, that can "see" using the same body parts of children from China. Luck, a girl of 18 years in Mexico, Inge Bardor, can 'accurately know everything about a person or place in a photo, just touching it. Inge can 'also describe the person who took (note psychometry) the picture and dressed like that day. To prove his ability to read with their feet remained on a newspaper and read it perfectly.

bending spoons Osmosis
In the '70s, Uri Geller could bend metal objects just by looking, whether tested by scientists at 'Stanford Institute. Demonstrating his psychic power on TV and throughout Europe, Geller once asked people to place knives, spoons and forks in front of their television sets. With millions of witnesses, Gellerpiego 'items on TV in front of their eyes and then in the homes of Europeans watching the show. This single action was interesting effects collaterali.Dalle phone calls after the show, it was discovered that more 'than 1,500 children will absorb that ability just by watching the show on TV!

New Children are here to wake up!
The "New Children" have come to Earth with a clear purpose. These children know who they are and why they are here. They bring new vibes and have come to transform the consciousness of 'humanity. They are here to vibrate an energy of peace and love for the Earth. Vibrating and displaying light in dark places, they are changing Human Consciousness. Their energy brings a fresh perspective, innocent and powerful voice for people who seek new solutions to the problems and challenges of society.

Children who remember Past Lives
's University of Virginia is looking for children who remember past lives. These children say things like: "I have another daddy", "When I was big, I had a 'car', 'This was before I found myself in the belly of the mother." Some children can see the future and move objects with only the concentration and 'intention.

Le Esperienze Pre-Morte Risvegliano i Poteri
P.M.H Atwater, autore di "Bimbi del Nuovo Millennio", ha scritto in merito agli effetti di esperienze pre-morte su dei bambini. Questi prevedono il futuro, possiedono abilità altamente sensitive ed empatiche, non hanno paura della morte e vedono e parlano con persone morte. Atwater non è solo a sentire che questi bambini sono l' inizio di una nuova razza di persone sulla Terra.

Rete di Bambini Telepatici nel Mondo
James Twyman, autore di "Emissari d' Amore: I Bambini Psichici Parlano al Mondo", ha condiviso profonde comunicazioni telepatiche con molti bimbi psichici.Uno di questi, Thomas, ha parlato di una rete mondiale di bimbi psychic reminiscent of the "about their souls," that teach people how to bring peace and love in the world. These telepathic children are technology-oriented and also very intuitive and creative.

The "New Children" are very intelligent

The Newsweek magazine reported the increase in IQ scores in the developed world "is so clear that it implies that the average student today is almost a genius." A 'ability particularly strong is the 'rise of the' non-verbal intelligence, "that is to know or intuit information.

The New Children are natural creative solvers

Researchers medici del UCLA stanno scoprendo alcuni giovani con un unico originale DNA che nessun altro possiede. Hanno 24 codoni attivi del DNA. Le persone normalmente hanno solo 20 codoni attivi. Questi bambini hanno una resistenza enorme alla malattia e sembrano essere immuni a molti problemi di salute.

di Keith Varnum

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

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Products Forever Living Products Aloe Vera

I leave this interesting informative video ..

96.8 Body Temperature Sick

: not a fashion

I'm back here .. This time I wanted to talk about my experience with aloe vera, but not any of aloe juice .. but Aloe Gel Vera and Forever Living Products .

Aloe Barbadensis Miller is a plant known since ancient times.
The earliest records date back to 2200 BC on a clay tablet found near Baghdad. But the study of this plant began in 1959 after the U.S. government officially declared its curative properties in cases of burns. Since then, studies sull'Aloe are very active around the world.

Since I knew the ' Aloe Vera from Forever Living Products , four years ago, was a' escalation of wellness and health, and my enthusiasm has become contagious to all those with whom I meet.

Many people ask me what this product has to be so exceptional? Wrong approach, we can ask of a medicinal product "what counts" in order to treat a specific disease .. Aloe Vera have to ask "what does" ?

What does the pure aloe vera gel? The many active ingredients and nutrients making up the plant supplement our food supply, allowing the cells of our body to perform the functions that were responsible, thanks to its anti-inflammatory, soothing, moisturizing and anti-aging penetrates into the tissue phone, removes dead skin cells, helps to regenerate the growth of new ones and promotes health by accelerating the healing tissue: a compact power supply having the perfect car body, so that it is able to implement its curative properties and purifying.

So the ' Aloe Vera from Forever Living is a health program !

We can talk at length about how we can help bring health and fitness in our daily lives through the use of Aloe Vera from Forever Living .. If you follow me I will try to convey this enthusiasm to you .. waiting for your comments.

If you want to read something about it while I leave click here, see you soon e.. Happy Holidays!