In increasing numbers every year, "New Children" are born in the world with a view "on x-rays, the air moving objects with his mind and know the future.
These skills are just the tip of the 'iceberg!
I "The New Kids on the Block" are able to move solid objects through solid materials, read paper balls resting on their ears, bend spoons just by the 'intention, communicate telepathically e "leggono" con altre parti del corpo diverse dagli occhi! Questi innocenti bambini stanno dimostrando abilità spirituali naturali che molti relegano al mondo della fantasia e agli effetti speciali dei film.
Sbalorditiva Gioventù della Cina
Dal 1974 il governo cinese ha scoperto piu' di 100.000 bambini che hanno poteri psichici straordinari. Questi bambini, quando bendati, possono "vedere" con le orecchie, il naso, la bocca, la lingua, le ascelle, le mani o i piedi. In un test condotto dal magazine Omni, i ricercatori tagliavano a caso una pagina da un pila di libri. La pagina veniva quindi accartocciata e messa sotto l' ascella di un bimbo cinese, che quindi la leggeva perfettamente. I bimbi cinesi possono anche leggere la pallina di carta sotto i propri piedi, nelle orecchie e persino masticandole! Un' altra grandiosa capacità dimostrata pubblicamente da 5000 piccoli cinesi, è la capacità di passare oggetti solidi attraverso altri oggetti solidi. Un bimbo sceglie a caso una bottiglia di vetro contenete pillole, sigillata nel suo involucro originale e quindi la posa su un tavolino stabile. Improvvisamente le pillole dentro la bottiglia chiusa passano attraverso il vetro e appaiono sul tavolo. Il bimbo puo' anche prendere una moneta, metterla sul tavolo e quindi farla passare nella bottiglia sigillata. Una giovane ragazzina di nome Yong Li puo' rimuovere le sigarette dall' interno della confezione, senza toccarla. Un ragazzo puo' controllare gli orologi mechanical, by running them quickly or slowly.
x-ray vision natural
A girl of 12 years, Hu Lian, can 'see inside the body of a person. Hu saw an object into the body of a man and perfectly able to draw the shape. Another child was tested at the hospital by their accuracy in medical diagnosis. In 75 cases, the child has been accurate in '80% of the time. In view of the evidence on fetal positions were accurate for the '84% of cases.
Far blooming roses
A Chinese girl has demonstrated her ability to 'influence live rosebuds, which held 1000 people into their own hands. With a slight movement of his hand, the rosebuds were openly displayed in their full bloom before the astonished eyes of the public. Under strict scientific controls, the Chinese government has observed these same children changing human DNA.
Children activate the powers of other children
The Chinese government has prepared training schools to assist these children to develop and move on to others their psychic abilities. The officers have found that when children do not socialize with other psychic psychic children, psychic children quickly absorb the non 'ability to perform the same actions of psychic children.
Miracles Mexican
were discovered more 'than 1,000 children in Mexico City, that can "see" using the same body parts of children from China. Luck, a girl of 18 years in Mexico, Inge Bardor, can 'accurately know everything about a person or place in a photo, just touching it. Inge can 'also describe the person who took (note psychometry) the picture and dressed like that day. To prove his ability to read with their feet remained on a newspaper and read it perfectly.
bending spoons Osmosis
In the '70s, Uri Geller could bend metal objects just by looking, whether tested by scientists at 'Stanford Institute. Demonstrating his psychic power on TV and throughout Europe, Geller once asked people to place knives, spoons and forks in front of their television sets. With millions of witnesses, Gellerpiego 'items on TV in front of their eyes and then in the homes of Europeans watching the show. This single action was interesting effects collaterali.Dalle phone calls after the show, it was discovered that more 'than 1,500 children will absorb that ability just by watching the show on TV!
New Children are here to wake up!
The "New Children" have come to Earth with a clear purpose. These children know who they are and why they are here. They bring new vibes and have come to transform the consciousness of 'humanity. They are here to vibrate an energy of peace and love for the Earth. Vibrating and displaying light in dark places, they are changing Human Consciousness. Their energy brings a fresh perspective, innocent and powerful voice for people who seek new solutions to the problems and challenges of society.
Children who remember Past Lives
's University of Virginia is looking for children who remember past lives. These children say things like: "I have another daddy", "When I was big, I had a 'car', 'This was before I found myself in the belly of the mother." Some children can see the future and move objects with only the concentration and 'intention.
Le Esperienze Pre-Morte Risvegliano i Poteri
P.M.H Atwater, autore di "Bimbi del Nuovo Millennio", ha scritto in merito agli effetti di esperienze pre-morte su dei bambini. Questi prevedono il futuro, possiedono abilità altamente sensitive ed empatiche, non hanno paura della morte e vedono e parlano con persone morte. Atwater non è solo a sentire che questi bambini sono l' inizio di una nuova razza di persone sulla Terra.
Rete di Bambini Telepatici nel Mondo
James Twyman, autore di "Emissari d' Amore: I Bambini Psichici Parlano al Mondo", ha condiviso profonde comunicazioni telepatiche con molti bimbi psichici.Uno di questi, Thomas, ha parlato di una rete mondiale di bimbi psychic reminiscent of the "about their souls," that teach people how to bring peace and love in the world. These telepathic children are technology-oriented and also very intuitive and creative.
The "New Children" are very intelligent
The Newsweek magazine reported the increase in IQ scores in the developed world "is so clear that it implies that the average student today is almost a genius." A 'ability particularly strong is the 'rise of the' non-verbal intelligence, "that is to know or intuit information.
The New Children are natural creative solvers
Researchers medici del UCLA stanno scoprendo alcuni giovani con un unico originale DNA che nessun altro possiede. Hanno 24 codoni attivi del DNA. Le persone normalmente hanno solo 20 codoni attivi. Questi bambini hanno una resistenza enorme alla malattia e sembrano essere immuni a molti problemi di salute.
di Keith Varnum
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