Fonte: Nibiru2012
Scritto da Annunaki2012

Da qualche giorno circola su uno dei maggiori siti di informazione alternativa americano una testimonianza di un presunto tecnico che , deciso a vuotare il sacco, ci narra di una spaventosa verità:
"Dimenticare NWO, Al-Qaeda, il riscaldamento globale o gli impatti meteoritici. Questi eventi sono tutti parti di un massiccio diversivo atto a coprire la verità.
Vi avverto, se avete un cuore debole o se in qualsiasi modo pensate di non poter reggere lo stress che questa notizia comporta, vi invitiamo a non andare avanti con la lettura.
La metterò giù molto semplicemente e poi cercherò di addentrarmi nei dettagli per coloro che saranno interessati"
Primary Basics
Il sole, il nostro Sole, sarà colpito brutalmente da una nana bruna. Il suo nome è Hellion-1957, scoperta il 22 dicembre 1956.
Recapitulation of Detailed Information
Hellion si sta avvicinando da sud e la sua velocità è approssimativamente di 87.33 km/sec. Hellion viene classificata come uno degli oggetti più veloci della sua classe.
Coordinates and Viewing Principles
RA 13.390911°
Dec -77.436111°
Velocity 87.33 km/sec
Density 174 gm/cm^3
Magnitude 11
Equatorial Radius 957.77km
Solid spherical shape
Projected outcome
L'oggetto penetrerà il sole ed uscirà dall'altro lato come un proiettile potrebbe attraversare un melone. I processi del centro del Sole non saranno spazzati via, tuttavia ci aspettiamo dei disturbi di grande portata in the 11 solar cycles.
debris impact will be fired to various orbits of the solar system. E 'was calculated that the Earth has a 7.87% chance of being hit or brushed by at least one of these red-hot debris. The brown dwarf
Hellion continue its exit from the solar system at a lower speed. We expect that some of the remains of the Sun's magnetic field to be inherited by the Hellion, estimated very strong.
Now we are sure that this is one of the many events ornitanti responsible for the creation of the planets around the sun. That said, we think that there is a small chance that the formation of new planets, although the process may take several thousands of years.
Hellion-1957 is considered a great danger to all nations of the world. In fact, things are not always as they may seem. North Korea, China, Russia, USA and Japan are the nations that can provide a possible countermeasure. However, given the mass of Hellion an intervention may be virtually impossible. So the main effort is shifting to the factor "survival." The seed bank in Norway is an example.
However, there is an exception. The U.S. has the technology that could alter the density of the object, making it temporarily lighter. Manipulation through gravitational scalar EM harmonies. Some of these technologies were discovered by Tesla. North Korea will be one of the safest places in accordance with world leaders when the event will take place. The North Korean arms race would be to protect them during and after the event. Most of the people on earth will be left to itself, as will defending. The war between North Korea and the USA will be the cover-up for the large displacement of people and vehicles in that area, means of livelihood, food, people and families to make choices for them except under the soil.
Why I am telling you this? Firstly because I was precluded from salvation. I have used and thrown away. At this point I do not care about anything. Everything you know change. Given the enormous energies in the range 2 / 3 of the earth will be swept away by the high level of radiation, UV, gamma rays, ect. Sincerely
Anon "
staff Nibiru 2012 will continue to follow the story to see if and how it may be true.
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