Fonte: Oknotizie 2 luglio 2009
Tempeste elettriche e Geomagnetiche potrebbero causare dei veri e propri black-out to airliners, military aircraft and other electrical equipment on the surface of our planet. This seems to be the beginning of the movie "2012" or "The Day After Tomorrow" but a reality.
Reports circulating in the Kremlin are telling us that the commanders of the Russian Air Force have all issued warnings possible but also a general warning to all pilots of their aircraft, to exercise "extreme caution" in flight "above all around "an area defined as North Latitude 17 [North Atlantic] 3 South Latitude [South Atlantic] to 8 nL [Indian Ocean] south latitude 19 [Ocean Indian] between 46 west longitude 33 West, 46 East and 33 East, which covers most of the African tectonic plate.
The reason for this warning is unprecedented, dallla state relations, are the rapid formation of "geomagnetic storms" from the borders of the African tectonic plate which, because of their intensity, resulting in the loss of two large aircraft passengers in recent months by putting to death nearly 300 men, women and children.
The first plane to be shot down by this phenomenon was the passenger aircraft of Air France Flight 447, the first aircraft to encounter one of these geomagnetic storms on June 1, at the western boundary of the tectonic plates of Africa, between Brazil and the islands of Fernando de Noronha ( En - As recently confirmed by scientists at the Earth's protective field would be weakened and would open a hole in close proximity of these points, where they arrive particles of "solar wind" that disrupt communications ). This led to the destruction of command and all the electrical appliances to fly Airbus killing 216 passengers and 12 crew members, with bits and pieces of the aircraft plunged into the Atlantic Ocean.
The second aircraft to have been killed was another Airbus A 310, accident on the eastern border of the plate tectonics of the African Union, when another one of these Magnetic Worms, or magnetic storms, hit the Yemen Airways flight bound for the island Country of Comoros in the Indian Ocean, of which 153 passengers and crew members died and only one girl managed to escape. A real miracle, so far.

Although Western scientists argue that the formation of these storms and to reconnect with solar activity, the overheating of the planets nostro sistema solare, dell’aumento dell’attività lavica e la creazione di un nuovo oceano, con pericolo di giganteschi Tsunami, gli scienziati russi, sostengono che oltre alla causa della misteriosa attività solare e alla assenza delle macchie solari, potrebbe verificarsi un periodo in cui la Terra sarà in pericolo per l’avvicinarsi dell’inversione dei poli. Tale inversione avviene”a causa di un ancora inspiegabile, ma estremamente potente, forza gravitazionale che raggiunge l’esterno del nostro Sistema Solare e che alcuni ricercatori danno la responsabilità al misterioso Pianeta X, e che molti credono di essere una grande stella Nana Bruna, nota agli antichi con il nome di Nibiru, conosciuto anche nella Christian Bible under the name of Marduk or Absinthe (Wormwood Project).
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