Thursday, July 16, 2009

Monster Energy Models


Since the question I was mail about scoliosis .. here's a short article about it written by Dr.. Mirco Dal Maso, the inventor of the chair postural SittingBack .

For years we hear about a little, so much so that more than someone who remembers his childhood in the fre patronized courses to remedy that now no one does.

seems c h scoliosis and no longer exists or has been eradicated. The spinal deformity fan instead n or even fear, the most common age is between 10 and Evolutionary 16-17 years and female sex is the the hardest hit.

Scoliosis has been defined by the WHO, a real illness, so that in severe cases is done with the chiru rgia. Scoliosis is a three-dimensional spinal deformity, which was not yet understood the cause, you know she has a strong genetic factor, which is generally passes from mother to daughter, but what leads to the formation of a scoliosis of 80 % of cases remains a mystery.

In the international literature several scholars have grappled for years in this arduous task, analyzing muscle tissue, endocrine system, social situations and other factors. In recent years, the idea prevails with dysfunction of the pineal gland hormone melatonin, then the test proprocettivi instead showed a lack of balance.

Some scholars today would find the cause in the psychological factor, with guilt cha burden on parents and families themselves, some considerations' rash, which, fortunately, the medicine does not yet everything. Real and never consid Erato, is considered the factor of the visceral system in medicine alternative l’origine di molti problemi, e alla luce di molti casi studiati si evince che un bel 20-30% delle scoliosi trovano la loro giustificazione nelle disfunzioni viscerali.

La prevenzione diventa la vera cura efficace nelle deformazioni vertebrali.

Prima di tutto lo screening scolastico sui ragazzi dai 10 ai 12 anni.

Una scoliosi, secondo studi francesi, nell’età puberale ha un picco di evoluzione talmente alto che già da un primo incontro si può diagnosticare il decorso della deformità negli anni successivi, se non presa per tempo con le dovute terapie. Il corsetto o il busto non sempre sono necessarii, dipende dai gradi Cobb della deviazione. Un corsetto non migliora la scoliosi, evita il suo peggioramento.

Il nuoto non corregge una scoliosi. Uno dei rimedi, che rimane saldo nei tempi, è la ginnastica vertebrale, che negli anni è stata migliorata. Oggi si dà molta importanza alla rieducazione posturale in tutte le sedute terapeutiche.

La disorganizzazione delle catene muscolari aggrava le deviaz vertebral ions. That's when you create a fixed point in appearing visceral (cystitis, appendicitis, hiatal hernia, orchitis, etc. ..) the structure of the growing body evolves around these fixed points.

The importance of rebalancing the muscular chains through gymnastics and spinal postural hygiene techniques may give good results if involved in the earliest the growth stages of the deviation.


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